5-2-1. Error Messages

Error Messages in the Dashboard

“Incorrect Username or Password”

–> Check your Ustream username and password and re-enter.

“This Field Must be Entered”

–> A field has been left empty which requires entry. Make sure the needed information is entered.

Error Messages in the LiveShell LCD Screen

“USB Adapter Not Recognized”

–> Make sure the wireless LAN adapter is fully inserted.
–> After making sure, press the bottom left button and try restarting the broadcast.

“Wireless LAN Error: Could Not Connect to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If it is wrong, check for typos and incorrect capitalization. Retry the setting.

“DHCP Error: Connected to /ESSID/”

This indicates that your LiveShell successfully connected to the access point, but could not acquire an IP address from the DHCP server.
–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If it is correct, the password might be wrong. Check for typos and incorrect capitalization. Retry the setting.

“DNS Error: Dashboard Server Name Resolution Failed. Review Network Settings or Try Again Later. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If you are using a mobile router, make sure it is within range.
–> After making sure, press the bottom left button and try restarting the broadcast.

“TCP/IP Error: Cannot Communicate with Dashboard Server. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If you are using a mobile router, make sure it is within range.
–> After making sure, press the bottom left button and try restarting the broadcast.

“Error 3xx: Web Authentication Not Supported. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If it is wrong, check for typos and incorrect capitalization. Retry the setting.
–> If it is correct, the network might require web authentication. Unfortunately, the LiveShell does not support web authentication.

“Authentication Error: Reset Settings and Re-register. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Initialize your LiveShell and re-register.

“Sever Error: A Problem has Occurred with Dashboard Server. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure you are not using a network that requires web authentication during use.
–> Unfortunately, your LiveShell cannot connect to a network that requires web authentication.
–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> If the network does not require web authentication, wait a while, then reattempt connection.
–> If this error appears repeatedly, please contact us at support@cerevo.com.

“Unexpected Error: Please Contact support@cerevo.com. Connected to /ESSID/”

–> Make sure the ESSID in the message is the access point you want to connect to.
–> Wait a while, then reattempt connection.
–> If this error appears repeatedly, please contact us at support@cerevo.com and include when the error appeared (e.g., when reattempting connection after the xxx error appeared”).

“Program Error: Program “/CHANNEL/” (id:xxxx) Does Not Exist. Select a program from http://shell.cerevo.com/dashboard”

–> Set the correct program from the Dashboard settings.
–> See Ustream Program Settings for details on how to set programs.

“Log-In Error: Set a Ustream Account at http://shell.cerevo.com/dashboard”

–> Set a Ustream account in the Dashboard.

“Log-In Failed: Ustream Did Not Respond. Review Network Settings and Try Again Later”

–> Wait a while, then reattempt connection.

“Stream Error: Stream Server Not Responding. Review Network Settings and Try Again Later”

–> Wait a while, then reattempt connection.