3. Operation

3-4-6. RTMP Setup

Confirm that your LiveShell’s firmware has been updated to the latest version. Keep the following points in mind when broadcasting using RTMP settings.

  • The recording function is not available.
  • The number of viewers will remain 0.
  • Program IDs will be displayed as the program names and incompatible services will be blank.
  • The player URL will be displayed instead of the shortened URL, and incompatible services will be blank.

Configuring the RTMP Setting

  1. Click on “Setting” at top right in the Dashboard of Main Panel.
  2. Select “Other broadcasting services”.
  3. Enter the “Broadcasting RTMP URL” and “Stream” name, then click on “Save”.
    “Browsing RTMP URL” is optional.
    eg.) If you use the most basic server that exclude the security risk.

    • Broadcasting RTMP URL: rtmp://example.com/MyApp
    • Stream: MyStream
    • Browsing RTMP URL: rtmp://example.com/MyApp/MyStream
  4. “Saved” message is displayed, indicating that the broadcast destination has been changed.

Change back to Ustream

  1. Open the “setting” panel.
  2. Select “Ustream”.
  3. Confirm the username on Ustream and channel and click “Broadcast this service”.
  4. Confirming message is displayed, indicating that the broadcast destination has been changed back to Ustream.