1-2-1. Dashboard registration

Dashboard is a web-based control panel to control your live streaming. To control your LiveShell 2 broadcasting a Dashboard account is required. To broadcasting using YouTube Live you will also require a Google authenticated account.

Steps for account registration

    1. Access https://shell.cerevo.com/login

Registration via Cerevo Dashboard

    1. Click the [Sign up] button on the bottom-left of the page.
    2. Enter your email address and password, and click on the [Create account] button.
    3. A registration confirmation email will be sent, click on the confirmation link in that email to finish registration. Continue to initial setup (section 2).

Registration via Facebook account

    1. Click on the Facebook pictogram.
    2. Login to your Facebook account to authorize Dashboard access. Cerevo will not receive or record your Facebook password.
    3. Facebook will ask you agree to provide some information to Dashboard. Check the info and click [Okay]. Continue to initial setup (section 2).

Registration via Google account

  1. Click on the Google pictogram.
  2. Login to your Google account to authorize Dashboard access. Cerevo will not receive or record your Google password.
  3. Google will ask you agree to provide some information to Dashboard. Check the info and click [Allow]. Continue to initial setup (section 2).