5-6. Settings as an RTSP server

Receiving video/audio from RTSP server

  1. The LiveShell 2 will display the RTSP server’s URL.
  2. Press the right bottom button 5 times after the setting is finished.

* You can not see the video from the RTSP server at the Dashboard.
* Install the following software to confirm the RTSP server.

System requirements for the RTSP player:

  1. Windows, Mac, Linux: VLC 2.0.5
  2. iOS(iPhone4S, iPad, iPad mini): GoodPlayer
  3. Android: MX Player

Restriction of RTSP server

  1. A total of three clients can access the serve at any given time.  More than three clients will cause a distorted video and intermittent audio.
  2. If the video resolution or profile is changed, the client needs to restart the program.
  3. If the audio sampling rate is changed, the LiveShell 2 may be offline and may need to be restarted.

Operation by Dasboard

  1. Even if video from RTSP server is not displayed, the video quality, and audio quality can be changed.
  2. If the RTSP server is set up on local mode, the operation by Dashboard does not work.

Use with Wirecast PRO

  1. RTSP server function of LiveShell 2 has a ASIX M1104 compatible mode. (video only)
  2. When the LiveShell 2 is on standby for the RTSP server, the Wirecast PRO can recognize the camera source if M1104 is set as a model and the LiveShell 2’s IP address is set.
  3. The IP address for the Wirecast PRO that the IP address part from the RTSP URL which displayed on the LiveShell 2’s LCD.